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Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Facilities and Equipment

The Materials Science Department occupies over 60,000 square feet of research laboratories, teaching laboratories, and office space in three buildings: the McLaren Center for Ceramic Research, the Fiber Optics Materials Research Building, and the A-Wing of the Engineering Building. 

Something about equipment here....

Laboratory Services

Most of the research equipment listed below is available for use by internal (Rutgers) and external (Industry) users on a fee-for-service basis. We encourage you to take advantage of our facilities by contacting the MSE Department at

Research Equipment

  • •    Admaflex 130 DLP Printer
    •    SpeedMixer Centrifugal Mixer
    •    Torrey Hills Technologies T65 Alumina 3 Roll Mixer
    •    Torrey Hills Technologies T50 Stainless Steel 3 Roll Mixer

  • •    Centorr Bench Arc Melter
    •    Arc Cast 200 Laboratory Arc Melter

  • •    Park NX-HiVac, high vacuum AFM with heated stage, EC cell, CP-AFM, etc. More information.

  • •    EDAX EDS Elemental Analysis 9020 and 711
    •    Laser-Raman, Renishaw inVia Reflex Micro-Raman
    •    Leco CS 230 Carbon/Sulfur Analyzer
    •    Leco TC600 Oxygen/Nitrogen Analyzer
    •    Metrohm Titrando Auto Titrator for total Boron Content
    •    Perkin Elmer Atomic Absorption Spectrometer
    •    Perkin Elmer Optima 8300 Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometer
    •    PGT IMIX Energy Dispersive Spectrometer and Image Analyzer with direct and video acquisition capability
    •    Spectra QuanX EDXRF
    •    X-Ray Fluorescence

  • •    Basic Unit

  • •    Battery Test System, Maccor Inc, 4600a
    •    Potentiostat, Biologic, VMP3
    •    Battery Test System, Maccor, 4000

  • •    E-beam and thermal evaporator, Angstron

  • A wide diversity of furnaces are available in the MSE department, ranging in size from small box and tube furnaces to large furnaces capable of pilot scale quantities. Examples are given below:
    •    6 CM Air Furnaces, both Tube and Box Furnaces
    •    Astro high temperature furnace with Tungsten elements
    •    AVS Horizontal Carbon Furnace
    •    Carbolite 1500 Box furnaces, SiC elements
    •    Carbolite elevator glass melters
    •    Centorr 20 Ton Hot Press
    •    CM fast response furnaces with MoSi2 elements
    •    Depths of the Earth 3GPa/1800C High Pressure Furnace
    •    Large hard-refractory CM box furnace
    •    Large Scale Rapid Carbothermal Reactor
    •    Small Scale Thermal Technologies Rapid Carbothermal Reactor
    •    Thermal Technologies 10 Ton Spark Plasma Sintering Furnace
    •    Thermal Technologies 2600C Graphite Furnace
    •    Unique Pereny Atmosphere Controlled Rotary Calciner with 3-inch Tube to 1000C
    •    Yamato Pan Stack Dryer

  • •    Carbolite Elevator Furnace (4)
    •    Deltech Elevator Furnace
    •    Nabertherm Annealing Furnace (2)
    •    Photoelastic Strain Measurement (2)
    •    Softening Point by Sphere Penetration
    •    Thermal Gradient Furnace
    •    Thermal Tek Elevator Furnace
    •    Thermolyne Annealing Furnaces (2)
    •    Viscosity by Concentric Cylinder rotation

  • •    Induction Hot Press

  • •    Two Buehler Ecomet Autopolishers
    •    Buehler Vibromet 2 Vibratory Polisher
    •    Harig CNC Vertical Surface Grinder

  • •    Hitachi LN2 Cooled Ion Mill
    •    SPI Ion Etcher

  • •    Zeiss Sigma Field Emission SEM with Oxford INCA PentaFETx3 EDS system (Model 8100) with fully digital image collection, transfer and analysis
    •    Field Emission TEM/STEM, (JEOL 2010F)
    •    Nion UltraSTEM Electron Microscope with 10 meV Spectroscopy
    •    Gatan Model 666, Parallel Detection Electron Energy Loss Spectrometer
    •    IPGT IMIX Energy Dispersive Spectrometer and Image Analyzer with direct and video acquisition capability
    •    Phenom Pro Table Top SEM
    •    Delong LVEM5 Low Voltage TEM benchtop, nanoscale

  • •    Digital Microscope, Keyence VHX 500
    •    Digital Microscope, Keyence, VHX5000
    •    Zeiss Axioscope 40 Optical Microscope with Digital Camera 

  • •    ATS High Temperature Creep (bending and compression)
    •    Hysitron Tribo-Indenter
    •    Instron 5980 Universal Tester
    •    Instron Dynatup POE 2000 Instrumented Impact Tester
    •    Instron Electro Mechanical Testing Machine 22KIP 1361
    •    Instron Servo hydraulic Testing Machine
    •    Micro Materials Vantage Nano/Microindentation System and Nano Impact System
    •    MTS Continuous-Feed High Temperature Testing Machine
    •    MTS Model 810, Servo-hydraulic 55 Kips
    •    MTS QTest/25 Universal test apparatus
    •    Wilson Automated Hardness Tester

  • •    Rutgers UT NDE for TOF and Attenuation from 0.1 to 150 MHz
    •    Olympus Omniscan Phased Array UT NDE

  • •    UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
    •    Perkin Elmer Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer
    •    OOI Spectrophotometer, VIS-IR
    •    Perkin Elmer FTIR

  • •    BI-DCP Particle Sizer, Brookhaven Instrument Corp.
    •    Coulter LS-230 particle size analyzer
    •    Malvern Matersizer 200 Particle Size Analyzer
    •    Malvern Zetasizer S
    •    Mercury intrusion pore analysis, Micromertics Corp.
    •    Micromeritics 3 Flex BET Surface Area Analyzer
    •    Micromeritics Autopore V Mercury Porosimeter
    •    Micromeritics Autopyc II Helium Pycnometer
    •    Zeta Pals Zeta Potential Measurement, Brookhaven Instrument Corp.

  • •    2 Oxygen Controlled Glove Boxes
    •    2 Szegari 4-liter Attrition Mills
    •    Agilent Leak Detector
    •    Beckman Coulter Allegra Centrifuge
    •    Eirich Lab Inclined Mixer
    •    Millipore Elixer Deionizing Water System
    •    Resodyne Acoustic Mixer
    •    Sturtevant WC Jet Mill
    •    Tape Cast Warehouse 15-foot Tape Caster

  • •    Autoclave Engineering 20 Ton Cold Isostatic Press
    •    Buchi B290 Spray Dryer
    •    Carver 10 Ton Uniaxial Presses (2)
    •    Carver Uniaxial Press with heated platens for compression molding
    •    Hot isostatic press
    •    Induction heated uniaxial hot press
    •    Inovent biaxial stretching machine with simultaneous and sequential x-y capability
    •    Laboratory Extruders/Torque Rheometer - Brabender Intelli-torque system
    •    MCVD optical fiber fabrication laboratory
    •    Mills of many types:  Ball mills, Attritor mills, Jet mills, Vibratory mills.
    •    Negri Bossi Injection Molder, V55-200, 0.032 m barrel diameter, 0.768 m length.
    •    Niro Pilot Atomizer Spray Dryer
    •    Peltsman Injection Molder
    •    Pressure caster
    •    Randcastle compounding extruder
    •    Single screw extruder with rod, tube, sheet, fiber, and blown film capability
    •    Solid Free-form Fabrication.  Flash FII 230 Desktop Modeler.  SFF Stratasys 3-d modeler.
    •    Tape Caster, HED International
    •    Welding Engineers Twin Screw Extruder

  • •    Diacell Shear Diamond Anvil Cell
    •    Diacell uScope Diamond Anvil Cell
    •    Linkam TS 1500 Hot Stage (RT-1500C)
    •    Madison Glaaxy FTIR
    •    Perkin Elmer Lambda 19 UV/Vis Spectrometer
    •    Renishaw InVia Reflex Confocal Raman Microscope
    •    Renishow In Via Raman with 535, 635 and 839 nm lasers

  • •    Bohlin Gemina RH Rheometer
    •    Bohlin Rosand 2000 Capillary Rheometer
    •    Brabender Capillary Rheometer
    •    Haake Rheocord 9000 Torque Rheometer
    •    Kinexus Ultra Rheometer
    •    TA Instruments AR-2000 Rheometer

  • •    in-situ and ex-situ phase strain mapping of engineering alloys, ceramics, coatings and composites
    •    optical nanocomposites
    •    stress corrosion cracking
    •    battery research 

  • •    DSC - TA Instruments Q-1000
    •    Gaertner Interferometer
    •    Netzche 1600 C Dilatometer
    •    Orton Auto Recording Dilatometer
    •    Perkin Elmer 1600 C DTA, TGA7, DTA7
    •    Simultaneous DTA, TGA
    •    TA Q600 TGA/DSC with SRI 200 amu Mass Spectrometer
    •    Thermal Diffusivity Measurement, Laser Flash, 20 to 1500°C 

  • •    Panalytical Epsilon I XRF Spectrometer
    •    Panalytical Xpert X-Ray Diffractometer