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Department of Materials Science and Engineering


Staff Directory Listing

Head shot of male with short hair wearing a grey suit, white shirt, and black tie.

Associate Teaching Professor & Undergraduate Program Director

Materials Science an Engineering

Professor & Director of Energy Storage Research Group

Materials Science and Engineering

Headshot of female with long black hair wearing a necklace with a bright pink blouse under a black jacket.

Department Administrator

Materials Science and Engineering

Head shot of woman with her hair up in a bun, folding her arms wearing a green sweater, eyeglasses

Post Doctoral Associate

Materials Science and Engineering
Research Staff

Laboratory Researcher

Materials Science and Engineering
Research Staff


Lab Facilities Specialist

Materials Science and Engineering

Headshot of male wearing eyeglasses, a red baseball cap, and a black and blue zip up jacket.

Professor & Corning/Saint Gobain/Malcolm G. McLaren Chair

Materials Science and Engineering

Male with arms crossed with short dark brown hair and beard and eyeglasses.

Post Doctoral Associate

Materials Science and Engineering
Research Staff

Laboratory Researcher

Materials Science and Engineering
Research Staff

Male with short grey hair, moustache, and beard with eyeglasses.

Distinguished Professor

Materials Science and Engineering

Headshot of male with short black hair wearing a black suit, tie, and w white button down shirt.


Materials Science and Engineering

Outdoor head shot of elderly man with short white hair wearing a patterned shirt and bronw suit jacket.

Senior Lab Support Specialist

Materials Science and Engineering
Research Staff