E. Koray Akdoğan

Research Interests
Chemical and solid-state thermodynamics (Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire) of materials; In situ laboratory and synchrotron x-ray diffraction (Bragg-Brentano and EDXRD); Electric field and pressure assisted processing of inorganic and nonmetallic solids. Experimental micromechanics of alloys, ceramics, coatings and films; Mechanical, thermal, electrical, elasto-dielectric (linear and nonlinear) properties of ceramics, coatings and heteroepitaxial thin films; Amorphous metals and thermal barrier coatings for nuclear applications; linear and nonlinear dielectric ceramics and thin films for rf/microwave applications, finite size effects in ferroelectrics, and electrochemical and electromechanical actuation phenomena in engineering materials. In the last 2 years he has been focusing on the SLA-3D Printing and pressureless sintering of ZrC ceramics for hypersonic applications.
Professional Affiliations
Dr. Akdoğan is a senior member of IEEE and has served as the Education Committee Chair of UFFC Society (2004-2008); as the Travel and Local Arrangements Chair of the 2007 IEEE-UFFC Ultrasonics Meeting in New York City; as Co-Organizer & Session Chair of the Nanomaterials Symposium at ISOPE 2010 in Beijing, China and ISOPE 2011 in Maui, HI, USA; and, as the Executive Committee Chair of Nano 2012 in Rhodes, Greece. He is a Scientific Committee Member, International Metallurgy and Materials Congress (IMMC'2020), Istanbul, Turkey. He is also a member of MRS, Sigma Xi and ACerS. He was the Co-Director and Co-PI of the Nano-structured Materials Laboratory at Rutgers University, and the Lead Experimenter at the X17-1 beamline at NSLS-I (2008-2014). He is affiliated with NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Labs (2014-to date). He serves as a peer reviewer to prestigious archival journals such as Adv. Materials, Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Appl. Phys., ACS Nano, Acta Mat., Physics B: Cond. Mat., JMR, Trans. IEEE-UFFC, Materials Today, J. of Phys. C: Cond. Mat., J. of Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Phys. Rev. B.