Ryan Sills

Professor Sills leads the Micromechanics of Deformation (mMOD) Research Group, which focuses on applying advanced computational tools to study the mechanical behaviors of materials. The research conducted in his group lies at the intersection of multiscale materials modeling, deformation micromechanics, and mechanical performance of materials. Prof. Sills’ primary expertise is in the multiscale simulation of plasticity, damage, and fracture in metals and laminated composites, but he has broad interests across many different material classes, modeling techniques, and failure modes. His research group has a dedicated 1000 core, 4 GPU computing cluster in the School of Engineering that enables large systems to be rapidly modeled.
• Enhanced Composites via Selective Interfacial Modification, Patent Pending, Application No. 16/352,004
• James Clerk Maxwell Writers Prize for 2016, Awarded by Philosophical Magazine
• Highlights of 2016, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
• PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
• MS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan
• BS, Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University