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Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Prof. Ashutosh Goel is the Recipient of the 2023 Tadashi Kokubo Award

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We are glad to share that Dr. Ashutosh Goel, Associate Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rutgers University, has been awarded the 2023 Tadashi Kokubo Award by the Bioceramics Division of the American Ceramic Society for his outstanding achievements in bioceramics research and development.

Dr. Goel is a well-known researcher in glass science and technology, with bioactive glass research as one of his leading research focuses. Dr. Goel serves as an  Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Ceramic Society and the International Journal of Applied Glass Science.

The award will be presented at the ACerS Annual Meeting/MS&T Meeting at Columbus, OH, in October 2023.