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Department of Materials Science and Engineering


Staff Directory Listing

head shot of bald male in lab wearing glasses and a white button down shirt

Distinguished Professor

Materials Science and Engineering

head shot of grey haired man with glasses wearing a dark suit, blue shirt and blue patterned tie holding an award

Distinguished Professor

Materials Science and Engineering

Post Doctoral Associate

Materials Science and Engineering
Research Staff

Head shot of Asian woman with shoulder length black hair and eyelgasses wearing a grey suit jacket and black and white patterned shirt.

Post Doctoral Associate

Materials Science and Engineering
Research Staff

Post Doctoral Associate

Materials Science and Engineering
Research Staff

Assistant Professor

Materials Science & Engineering

Business Specialist

Materials Science & Engineering

head shot of white short haired male wearing a black suit, light shirt and patterned red tie

Distinguished Professor

Materials Science & Engineering

Research Project Coordinator

Materials Science and Engineering
Research Staff